“I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

In the readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, we are reminded of the profound symbolism of Christ as the Good Shepherd, who lays down His life for His sheep. Through Acts 4:8-12, 1 John 3:1-2, and John 10:1-10, the scriptures paint a vivid picture of Christ's relentless pursuit of His flock, ensuring that none are lost.

The imagery of the stone rejected by the builders becoming the cornerstone encapsulates the exclusivity of salvation through Jesus Christ. He alone is the path to redemption, and His unfathomable love compels Him to seek out every lost soul, as illustrated in the parable of the lost sheep. Jesus leaves the safety of the fold to rescue the one who has strayed, rejoicing upon finding them.

In contemplating this parable, we realize that none are beyond the reach of Christ's love and mercy. Even those who acted in ignorance, like those who rejected and crucified Him, are offered forgiveness and salvation. Christ's mission transcends boundaries, as He declares, "I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold." Jesus the good shepherd tirelessly seeks the lost and safeguards His flock, He beckons all to follow Him, promising unity under one shepherd. 

John reminds us of the profound love the Father has bestowed upon us, calling us His children. Though our ultimate transformation remains a mystery, we are assured of our destiny to be like Him and dwell eternally in His kingdom. While Jesus offers us abundant life, the thief—the devil—seeks only to accuse, steal, kill, and destroy. 

It is a known fact of nature that when thunder and lightning are striking and the earth is in turmoil, the sheep never look up at the sky. Instead, they look towards the shepherd and move closer to him. The devil always strikes to divide the fold. However, the closer we are to God in deeds, the closer our brothers and sisters outside the fold will be drawn to him.

I have come to fulfill the Father's will by ensuring none are lost but raised up on the last day. In His ultimate act of love, Christ laid down His life for our redemption, so that many will be saved. May His boundless grace and mercy cleanse us and deliver us from every accusation of the evil one.

Fr. Ikenna